The adepts return to Melbourne so research can be done on the bones now that they can all summon Majins. They also wish to see what cause Leo Bone to evolve and research the new fossilized Dark Bones. Leonard vows to reveal how to evolve the bones scientifically, causing everyone to decide to leave him alone. Drossas convinces Victor and Gregory to head to Melbourne to claim the Dragon Bone and keep his bone from being confiscated. While the bones are being rejuvenated Luke and Shougo head to the sauna. Luke informs Shougo that his weakness right now is his temper and that he must overcome it. Drossas manages to take down the guard system and seals Leo Bone in a cage. Tyrone and Shougo equip to go battle the enemy. Dark Alligator handles them with relative ease and reveals that all of them are White Bones, just like the Earthlings. Leonard manages to release the lock, and Gilbert equips Iron Leo. Gilbert makes the save. Alligator submerges and claims his real battle experience will lead him to victory, but Leo manages to predict his move and gets the victory. Afterwards Leonard reveals he thinks if he analyzes the battle data he will learn how to evolve all the bones into Iron Bones.